Overseas Educational Support Projects
In today’s world, there continue to be many children living in extreme poverty that do not have access to schools and formal education. As committed educators, we have dedicated ourselves to the establishment of Overseas Educational Support Projects that assist underprivileged children, regardless of international borders. Kohgakusha enlists the support of its students and their parents for these important activities and related company policies. We believe that the best way to help others is to allow them to help themselves – well-educated human resources give underprivileged communities hope and strength, leading to nation building and a better world. Kohgakusha is committed to promoting lifelong education and providing children with unique learning opportunities via our Overseas Educational Support Projects.

Shandong Province, China
Establishment of Seven Elementary Schools in China (The 7 Bells Project)
In 2001, we launched our “Seven Bells Project”, aiming to donate and establish seven elementary schools to Shang-Dong Province in China. We have built one new school each year and have recently completed the project by establishing the seventh school in 2007. Children who were once forced to study in poor school conditions can now expand their learning possibilities in well-appointed facilities.

Sri Lanka
Establishment of Kindergartens
We have opened several kindergartens in Sri Lanka and the Philippines. We hope to contribute to the improvement of local education through the donation of these schools which fulfill their role as the first step in primary education. These kindergartens are named after Kohgakusha staff members or schools of particular merit to commemorate their contributions.

Foster Parenting Children
We started a foster family program in Manila, The Philippines, in 2003. Each division of Kohgakusha became a foster parent for one child and followed their growth closely each year. We have been very happy to see these children complete their educational program in local schools.